Fulfill wishes and earn money

a mobile advertising platform for local merchants
increasing local biz
simply converts nearby people to customers
Support of loyalty
helps merchants to know customers‘ wishes
Big reach
increases merchants' brand awareness
Across all devices
IoT ready and in-store shopping behaviour support
Free app for fulfillment of wishes
With Wishlist4People you can:
- make a wish
- share your wishes with your friends
- get your wishes fulfilled
- explore wishes near you
- make someone happy by fulfilling his/her wish
- easily explore and fulfill wishes of your Facebook friends
Available on the App Store

Get in or let us some feedback
We are looking for people, companies or projects with synergy to our idea.
- Do you want to know more about the Wishlist4People business?
- Do you have access to local merchants (especially in USA)?
- Are you interested in cross-device local advertising?
- Are you interested in IoT and in-store behaviour analytics?
We appreciate your short feedback. Please, let us your honest opinion. Thanks.